Saturday, May 23, 2009

Library Joke of the Week

Q - What did the Librarian say to the man who was checking out 30 books?

A - Don't Overdue it!

Real Simple Syndication

RSS or Real simple syndication is the latest internet tool I am exploring. An RSS service brings information of your choice to one easy to use location. Updates are automatically sent to you on the subjects you enjoy. Think of it as your own personal newspaper!

These are some of the RSS feeds i subscribed to :-

  • Opal Training

  • Powerhouse museum - Photo of the day

  • BBC news - World Edition

  • Quotes of the day

  • Library Stuff

This would be a valuable tool in the library industry, I particularly found the Library stuff link to be very informative dealing with current library issues such as :-

  • Books Vs E-books

  • Bringing youth back to the library

  • latest book reviews etc.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Library book and Facebook

More and more of us have been sucked into joining an online social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc. Catching up with old friends and meeeting new ones, these social networks have become part of our everyday life. Keeping up with technology is hard enough but who would have thought that you can add your library as a friend and recieve updates on special events, newly released books and other library news. More libraries are becoming part of this online phenomenon and it is such a wonderful idea.So... What are you waiting for???
Be a friend to your library!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wiki What?...

A wiki space can be changed or editied by anyone unlike webpages. Although that information may not be correct or simply be one person's opinion. But for those living in the fast lane as librarians there is a great wiki just for us. It has some great fundraising tips, other blogs/websites to watch, information for various libraries and even team building and management hints. If you have had any great ideas for your library that you have tried and tested, why not post them! You may even find a solution to a problem. Thats what wiki is all about!!

Your Choice...

Flores - Flowers
Originally uploaded by fotos_ilca
Have a look at the photo of all these gorgeous flowers. Each one is unique and has its own admiring charm. But which one appeals to you?...
Is it the colour or the shape? We all have choices and some of them are obviously right and some of them we wish we could go back in time and change. But sometimes we make the right decision and sometimes we have to make the decision right. If you always do what you believe is right you will never go wrong! So... take your pick! Which one do you choose??

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Did you know?...

~A giraffe can clean its ears with its 50cm tongue
~The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car
~Sharks are immune to all known diseases
~When rain falls from the sky it is not a tear drop shape but perfectly round.
~All the planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
~Mel Blanc, who played the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots
~We actually do not see with our eyes - we see with our brains. The eyes basically are the cameras of the brain. One-quarter of the brain is used to control the eyes
~Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails
Find these and more interesting facts at
From a young child learning to read, to an elderly gentleman learning to use the internet to communicate with his family from all over the world, we all continue to learn over our entire lives.
Lifelong learning enhances and refreshes our view on the world.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I believe...

I believe you learn something new everyday! My grandfather told me that, I may not have thought about it much as a child but as an adult it has a whole new meaning! It may not be a life changing lesson but to learn a new fact or a new skill promotes growth and change. I know alot of people don't respond well to change, but where would we be without it? Right now I am learning, learning how to write a blog! I can't wait to see what else i will learn along the way!!