Saturday, April 24, 2010

Library Joke of the Week!

What do Librarians do when they find mutilated reference books?

They become

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella

Back when Stephenie Meyer was editing Eclipse, she started to think about the newborns, imagining their side of the story and started to write about Bree and her final days and what it would feel like to be a newborn and this novella was created! But as a gift to us, Stephenie will be publishing the novella online for FREE from June 7th to July 5th 2010!!! Click here 
Rhy in the Sky would like to give Stephenie an big hug for remembering the little people that helped make her great and for loving her fans!! Thanks Steph!! xoxo

Twilight - The Graphic Novel

The Twilight Graphic novel has been released! Stephenie Meyer has worked closely with Korean artist Young Kim using a rare fusion of asian and western comic techniques. Stephenie has said "The artwork is amazing. It definately exceeded my expectations". Which is fantastic news for all of us Twi-lovers!!
Volume 1 includes Bella and Jacob's first encounter, Tree top dates and Edward & Bella's first kiss!!
(Just remember it is an adaptation)