Thursday, June 18, 2009

Library Joke of the Week!

Index of Forbidden Books for Children

The boy who died from eating all his vegetables

Curious George and the high voltage fence

Daddy drinks because you cry

Daddy's new wife Robert

Eggs, toilet paper, and your school

Fun four letter words to know and share

The kid's guide to hitchhiking

The little sissy who snitched

The magic world inside the abandoned refrigerator

The man in the moon is actually Satan

Places where mummy and daddy hide neat things

Pop! Goes the hamster... and other great microwave games

The Pop-up book of human anatomy

Some kittens can fly

Strangers have the best candy

Things rich kids have, but you never will

Whining, kicking and crying to get your way

Why can't Mr. Fork and Mrs. Electrical outlet be friends?

You were an accident

Your nightmares are real

You're different and that's bad!

Angels and Demons

Robert Langdon, a Harvard professor specialising in symbology is rudely awaken to identify a mysterious symbol burned into the flesh of a dead scientist on the verge of a scientific breakthrough.

On the other side of the world, the catholic community mourns the death of their pope as the College of Cardinals gather in conclave. The Swiss Guard is on high alert as an outsider has infiltrated the walls of Vatican City, abducted four greatly respected cardinals and hidden a weapon of mass destruction counting down to destroy the City and all its irreplaceable historic archives, art, libraries and not to mention the most highly regarded Catholics in the world.

Robert and Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and talented Italian scientist discovers the Illuminati, an ancient brotherhood that has been silently waiting for 400 years to destroy religion as we know it. The only hope to save the Vatican is for Robert and Vittoria to follow an ancient path and decipher the clues and symbols to find the Illuminati lair.

Angels and Demons is a fast paced adventure with conspiracies plus twists and turns that leave you desperate to read the next page. If you liked The DaVinci Code, you will love Angels and Demons.

Don’t Forget! Read it First!
The books are always better than the movies.
4 books out of 5

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Library Joke of the Week

Knock Knock

Who's There?


Cardigan who?

Oh no! I
forgot my
library card-i-gan!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Library Thing

I highly recommend library thing to all avid readers!! If you have a hard time remembering all the books you've read, this may be the solution! Library thing's function is to create an online catalog of your own personal library. Once you add your books to your library you can give them a rating out of 5 stars, add tags to find similar books of interest, choose the same cover of the book you have read to display in your collection and write your own review.

Here is a link to my Library Thing...

Library thing also has a social network component, once you've added your books you can see other people's lists who have similar reading interests. Library thing early reviewer provides free pre-release books to members willing to review them. Be quick and check to make sure the book or ebook is for an Australian audience and remember...

you've gotta be in it to win it!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009!

Delicious is a great way to have all of yourbookmarked sites ("Favorites") in one easy to use location. In the library we use alot of different computers whether that be public computers, personal computers or a work station. Instead of bookmarking the sites on each computer, we can access them through delicious and once we have bookmark our favorite sites we can share them socially through blogs (like this one!) Not only that, even offers RSS feeds or...Real simple syndication.

I have provided a link to my bookmarks.

My 2 favorites are:-

  • My award maker - print out certificates/awards for every occasion

  • Make your own wordsearch - kids love wordsearches particuarly when they are searching for their names and their friends names

So... Check it out! Ya neva no if ya neva go!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Library Joke of the Week

Q - Why did the Librarian slip
and fall in the library ?

A - Because she was in the
Non-Friction section!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Interesting Facts

I have found another website filled with very interesting facts. You can find it at They have a great list of facts including People, Sports, world, technology and politics just to name a few.

Here are some amazingly interesting facts:

  • Barack Obama smokes ciggarettes

  • What happens when a male lion and a female tiger breed? A Liger! It is the largest of all felines (over 320kg and 10 feet long on average)

  • It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are witren, the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef but the wrod as a wlohe

  • The Hawaiian alphabet contains only 12 letters. inc a,e,i,o,u,h,k,l,m,n,p and w

  • Google founders got the name from the word googol which represents number 1 followed by 100 zeros

  • A company in Brazil has constructed a building in which each floor can rotate 360 degrees. Each building has 11 apartments and each apartment can spin individually in any direction, One rotation takes a full hour

There are so many facts to learn on this website and there is a search facility if you are searching for a particular topic or fact. You can also check out interesting via Facebook or Myspace. I hope you have learned something new today!