Delicious is a great way to have all of yourbookmarked sites ("Favorites") in one easy to use location. In the library we use alot of different computers whether that be public computers, personal computers or a work station. Instead of bookmarking the sites on each computer, we can access them through delicious and once we have bookmark our favorite sites we can share them socially through blogs (like this one!) Not only that, del.icio.us even offers RSS feeds or...Real simple syndication.
I have provided a link to my Del.icio.us bookmarks. http://delicious.com/RhyB
My 2 favorites are:-
- My award maker - print out certificates/awards for every occasion
- Make your own wordsearch - kids love wordsearches particuarly when they are searching for their names and their friends names
So... Check it out! Ya neva no if ya neva go!
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